2011年12月22日 星期四

複本信度 (Alternate-Forms Reliability)

Alternate-Forms Reliability “a form of reliability in which alternate forms of the same test are given to a group of heterogeneous and representative subjects; scores for the two forms are then correlated.”



判斷標準:計算相關係數 (: Pearson’s r)。相關係數介於0.25-0.5為尚可 (fair),介於0.5-0.75為中度至良好(moderate to good) ,大於0.75為良好至極佳(good to excellent)
Stigler, Stephen M. Francis Galton's Account of the Invention of Correlation. Statistical Science, 1989, 4,73–79.
Benedict RH, Zgaljardic DJ. Practice effects during repeated administrations of memory tests with and without alternate forms. Journal of Clinical Experimental Neuropsychology. 1998, 20, 339-352.

Schmidt KS, Mattis PJ, Adams J, Nestor P. Alternate-form reliability of Dementia Rating Scale-2. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2005, 20, 435-441.

2 則留言:

  1. Please change "Reference: Portney LG, Watkins MP. Foundations of clinical research: Applications to practice. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall; 2009." with a journal article.
