2011年11月30日 星期三


Floor effect is a “value that observations cannot fall below, such as zero errors on a learning task.”

Reference: Nunnally JC, Bernstein IH. Psychometric theory. McGraw-Hill, INC; 1994.

地板效應: 指由於量表下限的影響,致使無法觀察下限之外的個案能力。

判斷標準: 個案於評估工具之得分分佈中,獲得最分之人數比例,一般以20%為判斷標準
Van Der Putten JJ, Hobart JC, Freeman JA, Thompson AJ. Measuring change in disability after inpatient rehabilitation: comparison of responsiveness of the Barthelindex and the Functional Independence Measure. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999; 66:480-484.

研究方法: 一次性評估收集個案資料
Martinsson L, Eksborg S. Activity Index-a complementary ADL scale to the Barthel Index in the acute stage in patients with severe stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2006; 22: 231-239.


